Planting the Early Spring Salads

Ahhhh, it feels like spring. For the last several days you can hear and see geese moving north against the blue skies. The grass and dandelions are starting to show a little bit of green. The only snow left is hiding in the shade on the north side of a building. It’s been nice to go outside in the morning and not need a big coat, earflap winter cap, mud boots, and snow. The ground is firm enough, finally, that I can wear regular shoes and traverse the yard without moving around puddles or drifts.

During the last week of February, we started seeding.  In the greenhouse there are onions, tomatoes, cucumbers, broccoli, cabbage, kale, kohlrabi emerging in trays.  Some of these will go into other greenhouses to grow, and some of these will go out in the field in early April.  Onion plants take a long time to go from a little black triangular seed to a nice green plant the size of a pencil.  Salads are also growing.  Yesterday, I could see rows of radishes, turnips and lettuce in one of the high tunnels.  Peas and spinach are starting to emerge, but these two take a little longer.  More salad will get planted early this week.  Also, this week we will seed thousands each of broccoli, cabbage, kohlrabi, cauliflower (and a little kale). We will again be having farm hours and drive thru veggie pick ups. Or you can think about joining the weekly vegetable subscription.

I met a truck driver in Shelby, NE, Thursday night last week.  The truck was on his way from eastern North Dakota to southwestern Kansas.  The driver was hauling about 15 tons of seed potatoes.  We snagged about 500 lbs off the back of the truck.  I grew this variety a couple years ago but couldn’t find them for a couple years.  I know a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy….. and now I’ve got a really nice red potato!

We shelled and cleaned 550 lbs of popcorn.  Seventeen buckets full when we were done.  We used a sheller that is about 100 years old that was owned by one of our neighbors and bought by another one of our neighbors.  It takes a village. 

Today the tractors will get spring maintenance.  Oil and filters are changed.  New air filter.  Blow the dust off.  Check air in the tires.  Working on steel is not my favorite task, but this one means spring is coming.

Enjoy the weather while it lasts – see you soon.

Your Farmers,
Ryan, Katie, Jacob, Margret, Michael, Lukas, and Grace

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